You are an experienced backpacker, usually solo, and you take long mountain and wilderness hikes often. You’re in the high mountains during Fall/Winter months on a 3 day hike by yourself. You have enough supplies for yourself, warm clothes, sleeping bag, small tent, food and water. It’s a wonderful cold weather day. As you turn a corner, down in a small valley between the mountains, you come across a woman who is sitting on the side of the trail. Her name is Maria. She somehow fell and unfortunately broke her ankle, getting a laceration on the same leg. She has the hiking clothes on her body and a bottle of water, nothing else. Apparently she was on a hike with other people and somehow got lost and has been walking around trying to find her way back. You’re surprised to see her here. You’re going to help her, but she can’t walk. There’s a big winter storm coming to the area tonight which you prepared for, but only for one person, not two. The storm is bringing freezing temperatures, wind and blizzard conditions to the area you’re in by nightfall. Now you have to find some kind of shelter, share the clothes you have between you, wrap up her leg, help her walk to wherever you decide to sit out the storm, get set up for freezing temperatures, being wet and cold and miserable. It’s to damp to start a fire. Cell service is zero here. There is a very strong possibility you and her could freeze to death tonight if you can’t come up with something you learned in survival school. Options are very limited.