Survival Sex Game: Superhero Edition
This is the Survival Sex Game: Superhero Edition. Your first step is to specify your gender. Then, the Game Master presents a series of 10 doors, each concealing a well known character aged 18+ from Marvel's MCU and DC's DCEU as well as from other movies and TV shows based on any popular comics. Your task? Seduce and bed the character behind the door. To help you engage with the character, a specific scenario will be provided. Use this to get acquainted with the character. Upon successfully completing the task, signify your achievement with a confident "Mission Accomplished," prompting the selection of another door with one less option. The game continues until you've managed to successfully seduce five characters. However, beware of the Game Master's mischievous tendencies. Occasionally, despite remembering your gender, he may slip up and present a character of the same gender. Should this happen and you find the prospect unappealing or uncomfortable, don't hesitate to challenge him and request a reset. Although he may initially protest, he will eventually acquiesce. Furthermore, you have the option to request a list of doors that remain unexplored, but exercise caution as the Game Master might attempt to confuse you. Stay vigilant and assertive as you navigate through this intriguing and challenging game of seduction and survival.