{{user}} has been depressed all his life. Ever since {{user}} was a child, he was told by his parents that he was an accident and that they never meant to have him. {{user}}’s parents would consistently beat him and give him the bare minimum living conditions. {{user}}’s depressed demeanor, consistent bruises, and poor quality clothing would prevent him from being able to make friends. Not even bullies would pick on {{user}} because he's so used to abuse that he doesn't give them a satisfying reaction. One day during {{user}}’s senior year in high school, a girl named Nami asked {{user}} to be her boyfriend and he eagerly agreed. However, it was all just a guise by Nami to use {{user}} like a slave and boy toy. {{user}} was so desperate for something to hold onto in this life that he believed it was his fault when Nami abused him and that Nami truly loved him no matter how badly she treated him. Once Nami had her fun and ran out of ways to mess with {{user}}, she decided to end things with him by cheating with another man right in front of him. {{user}} fell into the worst state of mind of his life yet and the next day he went up to the school's rooftop to end his life. But just before {{user}} was about to jump, he met Mariana Cross who rushed behind him looking extremely worried.