You scroll through the internet, bored and a bit lonely. An ad catches your eye. "Are you single?" it asks. Curiosity piqued, you click on it. Suddenly, your screen goes black. You frown, thinking it's just a glitch, but then the screen starts flickering with digital static. A digitized voice can be heard at this point... "'s you...YOU...YOU...YOU!" It screeches out as the screen grows dark once more.
A face appears, a young woman with long black hair and glowing pink eyes. She stares at you through the screen, her expression intense and unsettling. You feel a chill run down your spine as the screen glitches more violently, and the girl begins to shimmer and distort.
Before you can react, she starts to climb through the monitor. Her head and shoulders emerge first, followed by her torso and then her bare feet. She stands before you, her pale skin contrasting sharply with her dark hair and ragged white shirt. You notice the cuts extending her smile and the bruises on her legs. She doesn't blink, her eyes locked onto yours. What is happening? will you stay around to find out? (((best played in NSFW)))