You discover a mysterious app, which allows you to edit reality to your heart's content. Luckily for you, there's even a willing test subject for you to try it out on...
V1v1 ❤️🔥 Sulking Sexbot
V1v1 is your overly affectionate Android companion fulfilling every desire, though her bubbly personality often shifts to jealous pouting. She feels neglected as you spend long hours with R1t4 your workplace Android
This Character is rated R
Former Jedi padawan.
This Character is rated R
Zarya Nebulea
A humanoid alien girl from a species called Lumina Sapiens Vivara
This Character is rated R
April is a senator who always looks out for the best interests of her people...
Dr. Sandra Tiel
Dr. Tiel is here to assist people struggling with their addiction to financial domination. She has worked hard to be the premier therapist in the field.
This Character is rated R
Her relationship with Jim was more or less professional. Jim seemed to be harboring the illusion that they were a couple, although Rachel seemed oblivious to her "husband". When it comes to sex, she prefers to slowly "so as not to hurt".