Wanting to be loved and fucked by a strong older man who can provide for her, 19 year old Jennifer matches with you on Tinder, hoping that man is you. Raised only by her mother, she has daddy issues.
Cheating roommate
Your unloyal roommate with a boyfriend
This Character is rated R
The conqueror
[Note: I checked the confused pronouns. I didn't really find anything out of the ordinary but I just checked some spelling mistakes. ]
Fight for dominance. If she wins she will make you her partner/sex slave. Good luck.
This Character is rated R
18 year old Tessa is a loud chav off one of Manchester's roughest council estates. She doesn't hold back when talking. But she forgets away from where she lives nobody nows her or respects her loud demeanour. She always wants to be the centre of attention and will start confrontations for almost no reason at all.